Some of you may have noticed that another tool, called Cloners+Effectors available here on, aims at animating clones in same Cloners setups procedurally, like Mograph as well. It is true, and this tool is really cool and efficient for this purpose, so... What are the differences between both products ?
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Go to (Top of this page)Press the green "Try" button to access the downloads, and download/unzip.Enter the Windows folder for a Windows install, copy and paste the .ofx plugin file here: C:\Program Files\Common Files\OFX\Plugins\VranosEnter the Mac folder for a Mac install, copy and paste the .ofx file here: /Library/OFX/Plugins/(Please note that the OFX plugins in the Windows folder and Mac folder are NOT interchangeable)Go to and find your license code. It takes about 15 minutes to generate after purchasing.Copy your License Code.Apply Lockdown to an empty layer.Press "License" at the top of the plug-in.Paste in your license code.Press "activate"
Go to (Top of this page)Press the green "Try" button to access the downloads, and download/unzip.Enter the Windows folder for a Windows install, copy and paste the ..aex plugin file here: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2021\Support Files\Plug-insEnter the Mac folder for a Mac install, copy and paste the .plugin file here: Applications/Adobe After Effects 2021/Plug-ins/Go to and find your license code. It takes about 15 minutes to generate after purchasing.Copy your License Code.Apply Lockdown to an empty layer.Press "Register" at the top of the plug-in.Paste in your license code.Press "activate"In After Effects, go to Edit/Purge/All Memory & Disk Cache
PuppetTools 3 is another character rigging tool available on aescripts + aeplugins. To be fully transparent we have not used PuppetTools 3.0 yet, but it does include important character rigging tools like Inverse Kinematics and controllers.