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Ok now what tell me what to do I'm clueless: How to overcome the fear of uncertainty and take action


He'sa big-time lawyer, a litigator who is always working on big cases. In mostmovies like this, he would therefore be a blundering, insensitive oaf with amicroscopic IQ. Not here. He knows everything that's going on, cares for hisdaughter, is protective of her, and tells a kid taking her out on a date:"If anything happens to her, I got a .45 and a shovel. I don't thinkyou'll be missed." Also looking out for Cher is her stepbrother (PaulRudd) by one of her dad's earlier marriages. Family trees have many branches inthese circles.

ok now what tell me what to do i m clueless

Cher : Everything I think and everything I do is wrong. I was wrong about Elton, I was wrong about Christian, and now Josh hated me. It all boiled down to one inevitable conclusion, I was just totally clueless. Oh, and this Josh and Tai thing was wigging me more than anything. I mean, what was my problem? Tai is my pal, I don't begrudge her a boyfriend, I really... Ooh, I wonder if they have that in my size. What does she want with Josh, anyway? He dresses funny, he listens to complaint rock, he's not even cute... in a conventional way. I mean, he's just like this slug who hangs around the house all the time. And he's a hideous dancer, I couldn't take him anywhere. Wait a second, what am I stressing about? This is like, Josh! OK, OK, so he's kind of a baldwin, but what would he want with Tai? She couldn't make him happy. Josh needed someone with imagination, someone to take care of him, someone to laugh at his jokes... in case he ever makes any. Then suddenly...

Dionne : [about Murray shaving his head] Why do you care what *he* thinks, Murray? I'm the one who has to look at you! What am I gonna do with you now? And right before the yearbook pictures? What am I gonna tell my grandchildren? You know what? That's it...

Hi Lauren, we have never told you what to do. We are actually an information site, not a help line, and we are not here to tell anyone how to lead their life. that is up to YOU. The only thing we can do is again repeat that there is support out there. There are great free help lines and there is low cost therapy. We have sent you the links. You are worth more support than we can provide here, we do hope you reach out and find it. All the best.

What I failed to realize through the next 7 years of marriage, divorce, and year of attempting to coparent is that he was setting up dynamics to manipulate our children by being largely unavailable (and unwilling) to engage in parenting behavor (rule setting, telling them no, etc) but lavished them with toys, junk food, whatever they wanted one day a week. His word is gold, and they are under his spell.

Wow, this hits home JoJo15. When my wife cheated on me multiple time, she would say those things to her friends. After the divorce (why after) her friends would tell me what she said about her affairs and the reasoning behind it.

I know how you feel. what happened to you is wrong in every way it was not your fault, and it is unfortunate that you need to do the work to process the emotions, however from experience i can tell you self pity does you no good. Ditch the religion seek to understand the creator through his word, knock and the door will open seek and you shall find. He never promised us ease but He did promise to be there keep at it, giving up is not an option, rest if you must but keep at it.

No one should abuse your child not for shelter or food do you stay. Walk away with the clothes on your back and as you walk look up to heaven and tell God that he either feeds you and your children or gives you the grace to starve to death but no way are you going to seat around and allow anyone to abuse your child. He has not given you a spirit of fear but of love and sound mind Walk away for the sake of that child and watch the Lord God of Israel provide as he does for the birds of the air. Dare to believe even as your heart and knees shake act on that believe.

you are completely clueless ,,,people like me deserve to die and be left alone,,there is nothing for me,,,i have FAILED everyone and everything including God,,,i know he has abandoned me as i have failed,,

i wish there was someone to just talk to that wouldnt brush me off or tell me to do something that is so vague or just a passing answer, you know the kind where one asks you how you are doing only if your really told them they wouldnt care and dont want to care

Imagine being underneath the cross. Three crosses. Jesus in the midle.Jesus a man brutally murdered.You whoever you are whatever your situation. And there are some horrific places to be in. As you are underneath brutal cross of death.Look at Jesus.Ask your self would you really abandon Jesus in his hour of need.Yesterday tomorrow now.Abandon Jesus?Forget religion people telling you must be born again. This is irrelevant.The center of everything is here.Christ has no obligation to anyone.This is the son of God.Stand underneath the cross and watch.Abandon Jesus?Amazing Grace.

God has to have been there in the first place to be able to abandon someone. As far as I can tell God has never been here for me. I believe that if someone is there for you, they are actually there, that includes God. Have not seen, heard, or felt anything that points to God being present in any way. Not trying to put you down or anything, but please can you explain how to hear that small still voice. I am at the point where I need to hear from God. 4+ decades of nothing but silence is extremely disheartening.

So I tell her that I don't know the exact cause of all of her symptoms, but that scratching her sores will not help and that I do not know of any antibiotic that will help either. Perhaps some medicine to reduce her itching. Some skin creams to use when she feels like scratching.

"Oh yes," she agrees. Tears form. The stress is tremendous. She is depressed and angry that she can't get better and that no one can tell her what is wrong. Would she be willing to see a psychiatrist that I would recommend? Yes.

Hypocrisy isn't when you tell an actor they were wonderful when they were terrible, or when you tell a friend they look terrific when they're deathly ill. That's being well-mannered for the sake of a quiet life (and because we all want to be liked).

Parents should learn more on how to care their kids, not just supervise or tell them have to do something. They need to change the way to teach the kids. Sharing more and less enforcing. Nice article.

If you answered a partial yes to any of the above, you need to rethink how you are studying. You have to tell yourself that wrong means wrong and be harsh with yourself (because the computer is always harsher).

Many of my students tell me that if they could cut out all their careless mistakes, they would get the score that they wanted. But that is not possible. You can certainly decrease the number of careless mistakes, but they will never disappear completely. You are taking a daylong test that has over a hundred multiple-choice questions. Human error will happen. The best way to deal with careless errors is to be realistic with them. Tell yourself, you will not make more than 5 on this section, and allow yourself to err but in a controlled way. If you tell yourself that you will make no careless errors on this section, you are bound to make one just on the sheer strength of giving yourself such an ultimatum.

But what I did care a lot about, and still do, is learning. I value education and the ability to understand the world not just as it is, but why it is. Why do satellites orbit the Earth? Why is the periodic table shaped the way it is? Why is there fluid in our ears?

If I had to boil all this down for you into an elevator pitch, as they say in the writing world, the best way to deal with stress, especially MCAT stress, is to practice telling yourself at the end of a long day: okay brain, that's enough, you did good. 2ff7e9595c


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